The Difference Between Collaborative and Content Based Recommendation Engines

2 min readMay 20, 2021


In this era of digitization, the recommendation engine has taken the spotlight for the online businesses. A recommendation system is a type of information filtering tool which recommends the relevant products or services to the users. A majority of the online businesses such as the OTT (Over-the-Top) platforms, e-commerce stores, and other B2B SaaS businesses are opting for recommendation engines to improve their content discoverability and offer real-time recommendations to their users.

A recommendation engine can be of three types- collaborative recommendation engine, content based recommendation engine, and hybrid recommendation engine. Here, we will discuss the difference between collaborative and content based recommendation engines.

Collaborative Recommendation Engine

A recommendation engine which uses collaborative filtering technique is called a collaborative recommendation engine. In collaborative filtering, a recommendation system recommends a user the products on the basis of the preferences of the other users with similar tastes.For instance, if you are listening to music on Spotify, then it is likely that the music liked by the other users with the similar taste will be suggested to you.

Content Based Recommendation Engine

As the name suggests, a content based recommendation engine recommends the relevant content to the users on the basis of their preferred features of other content. For instance, if a user searches for ‘yellow dresses’ frequently on an ecommerce website, a content based recommendation engine will suggest the user other dresses of the same colour.

Now, let’s find out the difference between collaborative recommendation engine and content based recommendation engine-

Collaborative filtering and content based filtering both are used widely in the recommendation systems. And most of the online businesses such as Amazon, Xbox, Hotstar, Hulu, and Spotify, to name a few, use one or both. A recommendation engine with both the collaborative filtering and content based filtering is called a hybrid recommendation engine.

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Written by Muvi

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